267:0 Accepted: June 7'95, Amended as follows: 267:1 "system-id" 267:2 267:3 Standard property, encoded as with encode-string, that contains 267:4 the identification of the computer system. This string shall be 267:5 unique across all systems and all manufacturers. If the system-id 267:6 begins with "0", it shall be of the form "0nnnnnnmmmmmm" where nnnnnn 267:7 is a sequence of 6 uppercase hexadecimal digits representing a 24-bit 267:8 Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) assigned by the IEEE 267:9 Registration Authority Committee, and mmmmmm is a sequence of 6 267:A uppercase hexadecimal digits representing a 24-bit binary number 267:B assigned by the manufacturer to assure uniqueness. 267:C 267:D Note: For systems with built-in ethernet or other IEEE 802-style 267:E interfaces, the 6-byte MAC address assigned to that interface meets the 267:F requirements and should be used as the system-id.